The Pastor's Heart with Dominic Steele
Christian leaders join Dominic Steele for a deep end conversation about our hearts and different aspects of Christian ministry each Tuesday afternoon.
We share personally, pastorally and professionally about how we can best fulfill Jesus' mission to save the lost and serve the saints.
The discussion is broadcast live on Facebook then available in video on our website <u><b><a href="http://www.thepastorsheart.net">http://www.thepastorsheart.net</a></u></b> and via audio podcast.
Podcasting since 2015 • 396 episodes
The Pastor's Heart with Dominic Steele
Latest Episodes
Openness to Jesus among young people - especially young men! - with Andy Stevenson, Katie Stringer, and Dave Jensen
We are hearing reports from the university campuses, from young adult ministries, and from youth groups - that there is an increasing openness to the gospel of Jesus - and there’s a new openness among young men. There’s a shift in t...
Season 7
Episode 10
Rob Smith: The sexed body reveals and determines the gendered self
As pastors we’re expressing leadership in our churches on gender and sexuality. We want to help our people think biblically - and yet with the culture moving so fast - it is an area that we feel ill equipped. On today’s Pastor’s Hea...
Season 7
Episode 9

Craig Hamilton: Exploding pastoral leadership myths!
What happens when a leader operates without a clear vision. And how poetic or concrete should a vision be? How to organise things so the overall vision cascades down through every area of church life? What should...
Season 7
Episode 8
Hans Kristensen: Ten archaeological facts to increase confidence in the Old Testament
There are claims - and you hear them every so often - that archeology has disproved this story or that in the bible, and claims from this or that scholar of particularly late dating of different bible books.How do we as evangelical pasto...
Season 7
Episode 7
Paul Grimmond: How godliness differs for men and women and how to teach it!
How does godliness play out differently if I am a man, a woman, a young man, a young woman, a husband or a wife?All Christians are called to live like Christ. Why does the Apostle Paul choose to write about what godliness looks li...
Season 7
Episode 6
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