The Pastor's Heart with Dominic Steele

SPECIAL: Stem Cells, COVID-19 and the Archbishops - with Chase Kuhn & Megan Best

Chase Kuhn and Dr Megan Best Season 3 Episode 44

In a special edition today, we address a key issue :- Should you personally choose to use a COVID-19 vaccine candidate that makes use of a cell line cultured from an electively aborted human fetus?

To put it super bluntly: If I get vaccinated for covid-19 am I complicit in an abortion?

Our guests - 

  • Megan Best is a bioethicist who has promoted a Christian view of medical ethics for over 20 years. Megan is the author of two books on ethics at the beginning of life: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made and A Life Already Started, as well as many articles on ethics and spiritual care at the end of life. 
  • Chase Kuhn is the director for the Centre for Christian Living and lectures on theology and ethics at Moore College in Sydney. 

Today's discussion follows the release of a letter jointly signed by the Sydney Archbishops of the Anglican, Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches calling for ethical research on COVID-19 vaccines

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